Violation of a Protection Order is charged in Greeley and Weld County when a person is accused of disobeying any of the conditions in an active civil or criminal protection order. Many criminal charges require a Mandatory Protection Order be entered. One such example is any Domestic Violence case. If someone is charged with a crime and it is designated as act of Domestic Violence, then a protection order is automatically entered. One of the conditions of every DV protection order is regarding relinquishment of any firearms.
Greeley Domestic Violence Protection Orders and Firearms
When a person is arrested for a DV crime in Greeley, they must remain in custody until they are seen by a Weld County judge before they can be released on bond. This is because a Mandatory Protect Order must be entered prior to release. One of the conditions that is always entered in a Domestic Violence protection order is:
How is Violation of a Protection Order Charged Related to Firearms in Windsor?
There are three parts of the above condition.
- Relinquish all firearms within 24 hours;
- File an affidavit of relinquishment within 7 business days; and
- Do not possess any firearms as long as the protection order is in place.
This means there are multiple ways to be charged with Violation of a Protection Order (VPO) related to firearms. If you do not surrender your firearms within the 24 hours of release, then you could pick up a VPO charge. If you do not file the affidavit with the Court, you could be charged with VPO. Finally, If you are found in possession of a firearm or ammunition while you have an active DV protection order, you can get an additional Violation of a Protection Order charge.
If you or someone you love has been charged with Violation of a Protection Order, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent and contact the best criminal defense attorneys from the O’Malley Law Office at 970-616-6009 to schedule a free initial consultation. Together, we can protect your future.
Photo by Jimmy Chan