Weld County Sex Offender Deregistration Lawyer
A Registration Cheat Sheet

If you would like to Deregister as a Sex Offender or have questions about Registration, contact the best criminal defense attorneys from the O’Malley Law Office

Who is Required to File Sex Offender Registration Paperwork?

A person convicted of certain crimes involving unlawful sexual behavior is required to register as a sex offender in Weld County and across Colorado. Some of those crimes include: Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault on a Child, Incest, Indecent Exposure, and Invasion of Privacy for Sexual Gratification. If convicted of a crime involving unlawful sexual behavior, you should be advised by the Court and your attorney about your duty to register.

When Am I Supposed to Register as a Sex Offender?

Those required to register as a sex offender in Greeley or Milliken are either supposed to come in and file their paperwork once a year or once a quarter, depending on the crime they are convicted of. Those convicted of the following crimes are required to register quarterly (every three months):

  • Felony Sexual Assault;
  • Sexual Assault on a Child;
  • Sexual Assault on a Child by One in a Position of Trust;
  • Sexual Assault on a Client by a Psychotherapist;
  • Incest;
  • Aggravated Incest

Also, if a person is designated a Sexually Violent Predator (SVP), they are also required to register quarterly. Everyone else (including those convicted of attempt, conspiracy or solicitation to commit the above listed offenses) is required to register annually – on their birthday.

When Can I Petition to Deregister on My Weld County Case?

Deregistration or Petition to Discontinue Registration can be an option for certain people with certain convictions on their record in Weld County. A person who is required to register quarterly is subject to lifetime registration and can never apply for that relief. Also, if a person has more than one conviction for a sexual offense, they can never deregister. Otherwise, the timeline for requesting to Deregister is as follows:

  • For a class 1, 2 or 3 felony: 20 years from the date of final release from the jurisdiction of the court;
  • For a class 4, 5, or 6 felony or class 1 misdemeanor Unlawful Sexual Contact: 10 years from the date of final release from the jurisdiction of the court;
  • For Sexual Exploitation of a Child – C.R.S. 18-6-403(3)(b.5): 10 years from the date of final release from the jurisdiction of the court;
  • For all other misdemeanor sexual offenses: 5 years from the date of final release from the jurisdiction of the court;
  • For a deferred sentence or adjudication: After successful completion and dismissal of the case
  • If under the age of 18 when adjudicated: After successful completion and discharge from sentence.

Do I Have to Provide My Email Address on My Registration Paperwork?

Anyone who was convicted of a child sex crime must provide their email addresses and all other electronic usernames on their registration paperwork. Child Sex Crimes include:

  • Sexual Assault on a Child
  • Sexual Assault on a Child by One in a Position of Trust
  • Unlawful Sexual Contact – only if convicted under subsection 1.5
  • Enticement of a Child
  • Aggravated Incest – only if convicted under subsection (1)(b)
  • Human Trafficking of a Minor for Sexual Servitude
  • Sexual Exploitation of a Child
  • Procurement of a Child for Sexual Exploitation
  • Soliciting for Child Prostitution
  • Pandering of a Child
  • Procurement of a Child
  • Keeping a Place of Child Prostitution
  • Pimping of a Child
  • Inducement of Child Prostitution
  • Patronizing a Prostituted Child
  • Internet Luring of a Child
  • Internet Sexual Exploitation of a Child
  • Wholesale Promotion of Obscenity to a Minor
  • Promotion of Obscenity to a Minor
  • Sexual Assault – only if convicted under subsection (1)(d) or (1)(e)

If you would like to Deregister as a Sex Offender, contact the best criminal defense attorneys from the O’Malley Law Office at 970-616-6009 to schedule a free initial consultation. Together, we can protect your future.

Image by Multimedios Del Sureste from Pixabay