Violation of a Protection Order Lawyers in Greeley, CO
What’s the Difference Between Criminal Protection Orders and Civil Restraining Orders?

Have you been charged with Violation of a Civil or Criminal Protection Order? Call O'Malley Law Office today!

Violation of a Protection Order, C.R.S. 18-6-803.5, is charged whenever a person subject to a protection order – also known as a restraining order or no-contact order – fails to abide by any of the conditions.  Violating a Restraining Order can be charged whether you failed to follow the provisions of any no-contact order, whether that means you were subject to a civil protection order or a criminal restraining order.  If you have been accused of violating a protection order, you cannot afford to wait to act.  Call our top Greeley criminal defense lawyers today, and together, we can help you protect your future.

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Criminal Protection Orders at the Weld County Court

Civil Restraining Orders in Pierce and Nunn

Violation of a Protection Order, C.R.S. 18-6-803.5 in Greeley

Criminal Protection Orders at the Weld County Court

One type of restraining order at the Weld County Court is criminal protection orders.  Criminal protection orders are put in effect when one person commits a crime against another person.  A criminal restraining order prohibits the defendant from contacting the alleged victim of the case.  The defendant will likely also be required to follow other conditions, such as:

  • Refraining from consuming alcohol, marijuana, and any non-prescribed controlled substances.
  • Taking drug tests.
  • Surrendering firearms until the case is over, unless the defendant is convicted of the charge and the conviction prohibits them from gun ownership.

Criminal restraining orders are terminated at the end of the criminal case.

Civil Restraining Orders in Pierce and Nunn

Similarly, civil restraining orders are filed in Pierce and Nunn to keep one person from contacting the other.  The difference is that a person can petition for a civil protection order without a crime having taken place if they fear that another person will put them in danger.  The person requesting the protection order becomes the protected party, and the person subject to the order becomes the restrained party.  Civil restraining orders often involve many of the same conditions that criminal protection orders do.

Additionally, civil restraining orders start out as temporary, but can become permanent.  With a permanent civil protection order, there is no automatic expiration like there is with a criminal restraining order.

Violation of a Protection Order, C.R.S. 18-6-803.5 in Greeley

In Greeley, you can be charged with Violation of a Protection Order, C.R.S. 18-6-803.5, if you are subject to a civil or criminal no-contact order and you violate any of the conditions.  Many people mistakenly believe that they can be charged with Violating a Restraining Order only if they contact the protected party.  In reality, you can be charged for failing to abide by any of the conditions.

For example, let’s say you’re subject to a civil restraining order, and you’re not allowed to smoke marijuana.  You decide to light a joint anyway, figuring that you’re probably safe as long as you don’t get called in for a drug test for a bit.  But surprise! – you’re called in to do a drug test the next day, and of course, you get a hot UA (you tested positive).  The facility calls the Greeley Police, who then arrest you for Violation of a Protection Order.  Depending on the reason for the issuance of the civil protection order in the first place, you could be facing class 1 or class 2 misdemeanor charges.

Charged with Violation of a Protection Order?  Remember to be smart, and exercise your right to stay silent.  Never talk to the Greeley Police or Weld County Sheriff about your case.  Instead, call 970-616-6009 to discuss your charges with the best Greeley criminal defense lawyers with over 30 years of experience.  Together, we can protect your future.

The location for the Weld County Court is 901 9th Avenue, Greeley, Colorado. We’ll see you there!

Photo by Kindel Media