Underage Drinking and Driving UDD
Juvenile Driving Under the Influence Lawyer in Greeley

If your minor child, or college aged adult has be accused of Underage Drinking and Driving, contact the O'Malley Law Office at 970-616-6009

Has your minor child or college aged adult been charged with Underage Drinking and Driving, UDD,  in Greeley, Colorado? You will need a DUI – UDD lawyer who is experienced in criminal law. Charges for underage Driving Under the Influence (DUI) can lead to legal consequences which can interfere with a teenager’s academic careers. Recently in Denver, a 17-year-old driver was allegedly Driving Under the Influence when the car she was driving rolled. During the accident, another minor passenger died, and the driver was injured. If the minor driver is charged with a UDD DUI, and is convicted, she could face penalties that could hurt her future. In addition, her parents who own the car, or let her drive her own car, could be sued and lose everything they have.  Read more below to learn about Underage Drinking and Driving (UDD) charges.

In Weld County What is Underage Drinking and Driving C.R.S. 42-4-1301(2)(d)

Weld County defines Underage Drinking and Driving at C.R.S. 42-4-1301(2)(d) as:

It is a class A traffic infraction for any person under twenty-one years of age to drive a motor vehicle or vehicle when the person’s BAC, as shown by analysis of the person’s breath, is at least 0.02 but not more than 0.05 at the time of driving or within two hours after driving.

Simply put, a very small amount of alcohol and a minor driving can result in a DUI charge this is sometimes considered the Zero Tolerance Law in Colorado. Beyond this, it is a more serious charge to drive while a teen’s BAC is greater than .05.

Please be mindful that this law also applies to 18, 19 and 20 year old ADULTS.  So, although these men and women are legally adults, they still suffer more strict alcohol and driving laws than adults 21 and over.

What are Examples of Underage Drinking and Driving in Weld County?

While the basis for this charge may seem as simple as partying too much and then taking to the road, this is not the case. There are other ways to have a slight blood alcohol level, resulting in a minor being charged with Underage Drinking and Driving. Some examples can be:

  • Taking cold medicine with alcohol in it
  • Swallowing mouthwash with alcohol in it
  • Taking a few sips of wine at a family celebration
  • Eating a dessert with alcohol in it
  • Drinking beer or smoking marijuana with friends

It is important to note, if a minor is charged with a UDD and they were also caught in possession in alcohol or drugs, they can also be charged with Minor in Possession, C.R.S. 18-13-122 you can read more here on that. Remember too, that consumption or possession of alcohol can result in an MIP charge in Greeley.  So, every UDD – DUI by necessity also can result in an MIP conviction.

What Can my Teenager be Sentenced to for Underage DUI – UDD in Greeley, Colorado?

The penalties for Underage DUI and Underage Drinking and Driving, with a low level BAC, is a traffic infraction for the first offense with penalties of a fine up to $150, an automatic three-month suspension of your driver’s license, 4 points on your Colorado driving record, and up to 24 hours of useful public service. Alcohol treatment, education, and assessments can also be a requirement that you will have to pay.  With a greater BAC – Blood Alcohol Content, your child or young adult can suffer the same penalties as an adult who drinks and drives.

Second and subsequent offenses convictions are class 2 misdemeanors and result in a sentence of 10-90 days in Weld County Jail, and/or a fine of up to $300 along with the consequences listed for the traffic infraction.

Can an Underage DUI Conviction Harm My Future Driving, College Admission or Employment in Weld County?

Yes, an Underage Driving Under the Influence conviction, UDD, in Weld County usually has less severe consequences than an adult conviction however, a conviction of a misdemeanor could affect scholarships, applications to college and possibility being hired for a job. It is important to have a criminal defense lawyer who know the courts and how to get the best possible outcome in your teenager’s case.

If your minor child, or college aged adult has be accused of Underage Drinking and Driving, contact the O’Malley Law Office at 970-616-6009 to schedule a free consultation with one of our skilled lawyers in the Greeley and Weld County. Together, we can protect your future.

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