Soliciting for Prostitution Attorney in Greeley
Chaplain Charged with Prostitution Crimes

In Greeley and Weld County, there are many crimes that can be charged related to prostitution. If a person is accused of offering someone money for sex, then they are facing Soliciting for Prostitution charges. If there is an accusation that someone paid money for sex, then it is Patronizing a Prostitute. A police chaplain was recently arrested and charged for offering a woman money in exchange for sex. His attorney maintains that these are false allegations. Not much information was provided in the article, but if these allegations are false, I hope he is able to fight these charges successfully, as these are career ending allegations for an ordained priest.

Weld County Soliciting for Prostitution Lawyer: Definition of Soliciting for Prostitution in Colorado

The Weld County, Colorado law definition of Soliciting for Prostitution – C.R.S. 18-7-202 – is:

A person commits soliciting for prostitution if he:

(a) Solicits another for the purpose of prostitution; or

(b) Arranges or offers to arrange a meeting of persons for the purpose of prostitution; or

(c) Directs another to a place knowing such direction is for the purpose of prostitution.

As a petty offense in Erie and Evans, this crime is punishable by up to 10 days in the Weld County Jail. Soliciting for Prostitution conviction also requires a fine of not more than $5,000.

Greeley Patronizing a Prostitute Defense Attorney: How is Patronizing a Prostitute Charged in Colorado?

The Greeley, Colorado law definition of Patronizing a Prostitute – C.R.S. 18-7-205 – is:

Any person who performs any of the following with a person not his spouse commits patronizing a prostitute:

(a) Engages in an act of sexual intercourse or of deviate sexual conduct with a prostitute; or

(b) Enters or remains in a place of prostitution with intent to engage in an act of sexual intercourse or deviate sexual conduct.

Patronizing a Prostitute is also a petty offense in Milliken and Johnstown. It holds the penalty range of up to 10 days in the Weld County Jail and not more than $5,000 in fines.

If you or someone you love has been charged with Soliciting for Prostitution or Patronizing a Prostitute, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent and contact the best criminal defense attorneys form the O’Malley Law Office at 970-616-6009 for a free initial consultation. Together, we can protect your future.

Photo by Lukas

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