Probation Revocation at the Weld County Court
Why is My Probation Being Revoked in Greeley?

Probation revocation takes place whenever a person sentenced to probation fails to follow any of the conditions of their sentence. If your probation might be revoked, don't wait -- contact a top Greeley criminal defense lawyer today.

Probation revocation takes place at the Weld County Court whenever a person serving a probationary sentence fails to abide by any of the conditions.  These can include drinking alcohol, failing to relinquish firearms, or missing meetings with your Probation Officer.  Unfortunately, because probation entails following several conditions for many months or years, it’s not hard to violate these conditions and have your probation revoked.  The good news is that if you’re in jeopardy of having your probation revoked, a top Greeley criminal defense lawyer can help you protect your future by representing you at your revocation hearing.

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Why is My Probation Being Revoked in Greeley?

What Do I Do if My Probation Might Be Revoked in Fort Lupton or Firestone?

What Happens at the Probation Revocation Hearing at the Weld County Court?

Why is My Probation Being Revoked in Greeley?

Your probation could be revoked for a number of different reasons in Greeley.  Some common reasons are:

  • Not checking in with your Probation Officer
  • Having a “hot” UA, or testing positive on your drug test
  • Drinking alcohol or smoking marijuana
  • Committing a new crime
  • Refusing to relinquish your firearms and ammunition
  • Not paying restitution on time

What Do I Do if My Probation Might Be Revoked in Fort Lupton or Firestone?

If there’s a chance your probation might be revoked in Weld County, you need to contact a top criminal defense lawyer.  Probation violations are serious, and you could be sent back to the Weld County Jail or the Colorado DOC in the worst case scenario.  This is why an attorney can mean the difference between being able to stay on probation or being incarcerated again.  Your lawyer will represent you at your revocation hearing and advocate for you to continue your probation, even if it means additional conditions.  The cost of paying for a lawyer is well worth it compared to the cost of possibly being sentenced to jail or even prison.

What Happens at the Probation Revocation Hearing at the Weld County Court?

The probation revocation hearing at the Weld County Court is where the judge determines whether you should be permitted to continue serving probation or be remanded to the Weld County Jail.  In the worst case scenario, your probation is revoked, and you are sentenced to jail or to the Colorado DOC.  The time you served in probation doesn’t count towards your new sentence.  The judge maintains the right to give you any sentence that could have been given to you at your sentencing hearing for the original crime you committed.

In the best case scenario, the judge allows you to continue your probation.  This may mean agreeing to abide by more conditions added to your probationary sentence.  It can make probation more challenging, but it is far better than being incarcerated and having to start your sentence all over. Often, our attorneys can work out a deal with the DA, so that a probation revocation case does not have to go to hearing.

Is there a chance your probation could be revoked?  Get in contact with our top criminal defense lawyers with over 3 decades of experience at the O’Malley Law Office today by calling (970) 616-6009 to discuss your case.  Together, we can protect your future.

The location for the Weld County Court is 901 9th Avenue, Greeley, Colorado. We’ll see you there!