Motor Vehicle Theft Lawyers in Greeley, CO
What are the 3 Degrees of Motor Vehicle Theft in Weld County?

Motor Vehicle Theft, C.R.S. 18-4-409, is charged when a person takes another’s motor vehicle, either by using threats / deception or by the owner simply not consenting to the other person taking it.  Depending on the circumstances, you can be charged with one of 3 different degrees of Motor Vehicle Theft in Weld County.  These charges largely depend on whether you have prior Auto Theft convictions on your record and whether you engaged in further conduct with the vehicle after it was taken.  If you have been charged for stealing a car, motorcycle, or other motor vehicle, don’t try to take on these felony charges alone.  Contact a Motor Vehicle Theft lawyer in Greeley, CO today to ensure the best possible outcome in your case.

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Motor Vehicle Theft, C.R.S. 18-4-409 in Greeley, CO: How is it Charged?

What are the Three Degrees of Motor Vehicle Theft in Weld County?

How Long Could I Go to a Colorado Prison for Auto Theft in Firestone or Dacono?

Motor Vehicle Theft, C.R.S. 18-4-409 in Greeley, CO: How is it Charged?

Motor Vehicle Theft, C.R.S. 18-4-409, is charged in Greeley, CO when a person “knowingly obtains, exercises control over, receives, or retains the motor vehicle of another person, and the person knows or should reasonably have known that the act was without authorization or was by threat or deception.”  Motor Vehicle Theft / MVT is divided into three different degrees, depending primarily on whether the defendant:

  • Has been previously convicted of Motor Vehicle Theft twice before the current charge, and
  • Engaged in further conduct after taking the car, such as trying to change its appearance or driving it out of Colorado.

What are the Three Degrees of Motor Vehicle Theft in Weld County?

There are three different degrees of Motor Vehicle Theft in Weld County.  These degrees are as follows:

First Degree Motor Vehicle Theft – Charged if a person has had 2 prior convictions of MVT or Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle, C.R.S. 18-4-409.5, whether in Colorado, at the federal level, or in another state.

Second Degree Motor Vehicle Theft – 2nd Degree MVT is charged when a person engages in Motor Vehicle Theft, and then takes another step with the vehicle.  Some of these steps include attempting to disguise the vehicle, retaining possession or control of the car for more than 24 hours, or causing bodily injury to another person while in control of the vehicle.

Third Degree Motor Vehicle Theft – This is charged when a person only obtains a motor vehicle without the owner’s authorization or by threat or deception, and they should have reasonably known that it was without the owner’s authorization.  They do not engage in any conduct that would make the offense chargeable as 2nd Degree Motor Vehicle Theft, and they do not have 2 or more prior convictions of Auto Theft on their record.

How Long Could I Go to a Colorado Prison for Auto Theft in Firestone or Dacono?

Auto Theft is punishable by Colorado prison time in Firestone and Dacono.  See the table below for possible prison sentences and other penalties that can result from conviction:

Degree of Motor Vehicle Theft


Third Degree – Class 5 felony / F5
  • 1 – 3 years in the Colorado Department of Corrections / DOC
  • 2 years of parole after release from prison
  • Fine of $1,000 – $100,000
  • Restitution to the vehicle owner
  • Relinquishment of all firearms and ammunition
Second Degree – Class 4 felony / F4
  • 2 – 6 years in the Colorado DOC
  • 3 years of parole upon release from prison
  • Fine of $2,000 – $500,000
  • Restitution to the vehicle owner + anyone who suffered bodily injury
  • Firearm & ammunition relinquishment
First Degree – Class 3 felony / F3
  • 4 – 12 years in the Colorado DOC
  • 3 years of parole
  • Fine of $3,000 – $750,000
  • Restitution to the vehicle owner + anyone who suffered bodily injury
  • Firearm & ammunition relinquishment

If you have been charged with Motor Vehicle Theft, you need to act now.  Contact our top Greeley criminal defense lawyers to discuss your case, and together, we can protect your future.

Have you been charged with Motor Vehicle Theft?  Be smart, and exercise your right to stay silent – never discuss your charges with the Greeley Police or Weld County Sheriff.  Then call 970-616-6009 to discuss your case with an experienced Greeley criminal defense attorney today.  Together, we can protect your future.

The location for the Weld County Courthouse is 901 9th Avenue, Greeley, Colorado. We’ll see you there!

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