Greeley Unlawful Possession of a Controlled Substance - Cocaine - Lawyer
In Greeley, Colorado, Cocaine is a major illegal Controlled Substances and if you're caught possessing it, you could be in big trouble with the Greeley Police. Cocaine is a Schedule II drug, meaning it is highly addictive and its usage in the medical field is very little. If sentenced for a drug felony, you will always have this charge follow you on your criminal record, which can easily be searched by employers and the public. Additionally, it will affect both housing and employment opportunities. You need a trusted and experienced criminal defense lawyer on your side immediately if you're being accused of Possession of Cocaine.
Weld County Sentence for Possession of Cocaine, a DF4 Controlled Substance
Unlawful Possession of a Controlled Substance, C.R.S. 18-18-403.5, calls for various punishments for different schedules (groups) of drugs in Weld County. For possession of a Schedule II drug, like cocaine, you would be charged with a level 4 drug felony.
A level 4 drug felony, DF4, punishment includes:
- 6 months to 1 year in the Colorado Department of Corrections
- $1,000 to $100,000 in fines
- and a 1 year parole period
Charged with Possession of Cocaine Just for Being Present in a Car or Room?
In Greeley, you can be charged with Possession of Cocaine if you are in the same room or car when the initial arrest occurs, whether or not the drugs belong to you. If you are driving others in the car who are snorting cocaine and you get pulled over, you will also be charged with possession even though you were not using it, nor was it yours. Here at the O'Malley Law Office, we know many defense and tactics to help you keep your freedom.