Attorney for Greeley Municipal Court Cases
The City of Greeley has its own set of ordinances, code or rules which are separate from those enacted by the State of Colorado. The Greeley Police, University of Northern Colorado Campus Police, Animal Control, or other city departments can issue a ticket or summons concerning these local laws. If you receive a summons for one of these crimes, you will be required to appear in the Greeley Municipal Court. A violation of these ordinances can even result in an arrest. These tickets are still related to criminal offenses and can lead to a sentence of incarceration in the Weld County Jail.
Greeley Municipal offenses fall under the following categories:
- Offenses By or Against Public Officers and Government
- Offenses Against the Person
- Offenses Against Public Decency
- Offenses Against Public Peace
- Offenses Related to Controlled Substances
- Offenses Against Property
- Offenses By or Against Minors
- Weapons
- Prohibited Residency of Sex Offenders
- Traffic Offenses
- Animal Violations
Greeley Municipal Court Location
The Greeley Municipal Court is located at:
1122 11th Avenue
Greeley, Colorado 80631
The contact information for the Greeley Municipal Court is:
Telephone: (970) 350-9230
Fax: (970) 350-9231
Classification of Violations and Sentencing Ranges
Most Greeley Municipal violations are misdemeanor offenses or traffic offenses. Either of these offenses can be punished by up to one year in the Weld County Jail and up to $1,000 in fines. Cases related to misdemeanor or traffic offenses require appearances in the Greeley Municipal Court, and may result in a long-term criminal record.
A few of the violations are considered misdemeanor infractions, traffic infractions, or parking infractions, which are punishable by fines up to $500. Misdemeanor, traffic, or parking infractions can be handled through court appearances at the Greeley Municipal Court or the ticketed person can simply enter a plea and pay the associated fines listed on the ticket by the designated date instead of going to court.
Penalty for Unpaid Fines and Costs
If a person takes a plea deal or is sentenced to pay fines to the Court, and neglects to do so, the Greeley Municipal Court judge can sentence that person to 1 day in the Weld County Jail for every $25 that is owed. The incarceration period cannot exceed 90 days for one offense. However, if you have multiple offenses as separate cases with separate sentences, this limit would not necessary keep you from spending more than 90 days in jail.
Greeley Municipal Offenses
Offenses By or Against Public Officers or Government
Offenses like Aiding Escape, Impersonating a Police Officer, Obstructing a Peace Officer, and Resisting Arrest are all violations under the Offenses by or against Public Officers and Government.

Offenses Against the Person
Offenses like Assault, False Imprisonment, Menacing, and Reckless Endangerment are all found under Chapter 10.16 of the Greeley Municipal Code - Offenses Against the Person.
Offenses Against Public Decency
Public Indecency and Indecent Exposure are Greeley Municipal Code offenses that a person can be charged with and expected to appear in front of a judge at the Greeley Municipal Court.

Offenses Against Public Peace
If you are accused of Disorderly Conduct, Harassment, Loitering, Panhandling, Public Intoxication, or Inciting a Riot in Greeley, then you may be handed a summons for violating Greeley Municipal Code chapter 10.26 Offenses Against Public Peace.
Offenses Related to Controlled Substances
Certain offenses related to marijuana possession and drug paraphernalia are covered under the Greeley Municipal Code Offenses Related to Controlled Substances, chapter 10.26.

Offenses Against Property
Misdemeanor infractions and offenses like Criminal Mischief, Obstructing Highways, Littering and Theft are all violations charged under the Greeley Municipal Code chapter 10.28.
Offenses By or Against Minors
Offenses like Harboring a Minor and Selling Tobacco to a Minor are all found under chapter 10.32 of the Greeley Municipal Code and would require an appearance in front of the Greeley Municipal Court judge.

Offenses Related to Weapons
Possession of an Illegal Weapon is an offense listed under the Greeley Municipal Code chapter 10.36 and if given a summons to appear in the Greeley Municipal Court may result in a forfeiture of the weapon.
Prohibited Residency of Sex Offenders
Like many Colorado municipalities, the Greeley Municipal Court addresses specific areas in which a registered sex offender is not allowed to reside. It is found under chapter 10.40 of the Greeley Municipal Code.

Traffic Offenses
Certain traffic violations like Careless Driving, Reckless Driving, Use of Earphones While Driving, Eluding or Attempting to Elude a Police Officer, Inattentive Driving and many others fall under the traffic offenses in the Greeley Municipal Code.
Offenses Related to Animals
Animal at Large, Public Nuisances, Noisy Animals, Out of Control Animals, Menacing or Attacking Animals, and other various violations are Greeley Municipal Code offenses found under chapter 7.14.