Tampering is an easily charged crime in Greeley and Weld County. It’s basically charged if you mess with someone’s property to annoy them. Usually, we see Tampering charged as an Read More
Windsor Tampering Defense Attorney A New Favorite DV Crime in Weld County
Tampering cases in Windsor and Greeley seem to be a new favorite Domestic Violence crime. This is likely because the statute is so vague. Basically, if someone messes with your Read More
Second Degree Criminal Tampering, C.R.S. 18-4-506 in Weld County Best Greeley Domestic Violence Lawyers
Second Degree Criminal Tampering, C.R.S. 18-4-506, is frequently charged as a crime of Domestic Violence / DV in Weld County. DV is added as a sentence enhancer to 2nd Degree Read More
Second Degree Criminal Tampering + Domestic Violence Charge in Weld County Football Player Charged with Criminal Tampering and DV, C.R.S. 18-4-506
In Weld County, if you inconvenience, disrupt, or injure a person by tampering with their property, you could face a Second Degree Criminal Tampering Charge. If the person whose property Read More
Charged with Tampering in Weld County? Let Our Criminal Defense Attorneys Defend Your First or Second Degree Tampering Charge
In Weld County, Tampering with another person’s property to injury, annoy, or inconvenience the person can have you facing a Second Degree Tampering charge. Also, if you Tamper with the Read More
Lawyer for Tampering in Weld County Woman Buries her Brother with Goats
In Weld County, Tampering crimes come in many flavors. Colorado law has Tampering with utilities (First Degree Tampering); Tampering with the property of another(Second Degree Tampering); or Tampering with a Read More