Bronco DUI Arrests: DUI in Weld County

Are you facing DUI charges in Weld County or anywhere else in Colorado? Contact a criminal defense attorney at the O'Malley Law Office.

In the past month, two Bronco team executives have been arrested for a DUI. The two men now face court, a hearing on their driver’s license, treatment programs, and have been suspended from their jobs. The effects of a DUI are long-lasting; one of the men is suspended indefinitely.

What is a DUI in Weld County?

The police and sheriff deputies in Weld, Morgan and Logan County will pull you over if they notice erratic driving behavior. You will be asked to participate in a voluntary roadside test. It is a field sobriety test which will give indications of your blood alcohol content (BAC). If your BAC is .08 or higher, you will be charged with DUI in Weld County. If law enforcement believes these tests establish probable cause, you will be arrested and taken to the police station for a blood or breath test. If your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) is from .05 to .79, you will be charged with driving while ability impaired, or “DWAI.” It is important to notice, however that the roadside test is just what it says – voluntary. You are not required to take a roadside test. You are only required to take the BAC test at the police station. The cops may try to convince you that the test is mandatory, or that things will go better for you if you participate. However, it is almost always better to refuse this test – providing as little amount of evidence to the Weld County District Attorney is to your advantage. The police are simply trying to gather enough evidence against you to have probable cause for arrest.

What are the Consequences of a DUI in Weld County?

The effects of a DUI on your record are long lasting. Employers are permitted to discriminate, and not hire those who have criminal records. If you have a job, you may lose it (like the Bronco’s executive), or you may have difficulty finding employment in the future. If your job requires that you drive a commercial vehicle, you may have to surrender your license or be uninsurable at work. Your insurance rates could rise dramatically, or you may not be able to get insured at all! Some countries (like Canada), don’t allow people with criminal records to cross their borders – having a DUI on your record in Windsor, Fort Morgan or Greeley could restrict your travel. You could spend up to 1 year in a County Jail for a DUI.

DUI and the Possibility of a Reckless Endangerment Charge

If there were children in the car at the time of your arrest for a DUI in Weld County, you could also be charged with Reckless Endangerment – CRS 18-3-208. Reckless endangerment is a Class 3 misdemeanor, which means that you could spend up to 6 months in a County jail.

The consequences of having a DUI on your record are very high. Like the Bronco’s executives, you could be suspended from your job, or lose it completely. One night of fun could ruin your life. If you are pulled over under suspicion of drunk driving, give the police no evidence against you. Contact an experienced criminal lawyer immediately.

If you or a loved one has been arrested for a DUI in Weld County, be smart, exercise your right to remain silent, and contact an experienced criminal lawyer at the O’Malley Law Office at 970-616-6009, or submit the “Get Help Now” form. Together, we can protect your future.

Image Credit: – foto76