Best Greeley Menacing Lawyers
Weapons that Could Result in Felony Menacing Charges in Colorado

Menacing, C.R.S. 18-3-206, is charged in Greeley and Weld County, CO when a person uses physical or verbal threats to make another person fear that they will be rendered serious bodily injury.  In some cases, Menacing is charged as a class 5 felony.  This takes place whenever a person uses a real or simulated knife, firearm, or bludgeon to cause the other person to fear.  It really doesn’t matter whether the weapon is real – what matters is that the other person perceived that it was real, and thought they would be seriously injured.

If you’ve been charged with misdemeanor or felony Menacing, time is of the essence.  Don’t wait, and contact our top Greeley Menacing lawyers today to protect your future.

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Colorado’s Law on Menacing, C.R.S. 18-3-206 at the Weld County Court

Weapons in Felony Menacing Charges in Greeley

Weld County Jail / Colorado DOC Time for Menacing in Ault and Firestone

Colorado’s Law on Menacing, C.R.S. 18-3-206 at the Weld County Court

Colorado’s law on Menacing, C.R.S. 18-3-206, as it is charged at the Weld County Court, is:

A person commits the crime of menacing if, by any threat or physical action, he or she knowingly places or attempts to place another person in fear of imminent serious bodily injury.

Menacing is often charged as a class 1 misdemeanor, but it is instead charged as a class 5 felony when the defendant used a firearm, knife, or bludgeon to threaten the other person.

Weapons in Felony Menacing Charges in Greeley

Felony Menacing is charged whenever a person uses a real or simulated knife, firearm, or bludgeon.  This means that even if a person used a fake weapon, but it reasonably looked like it could cause serious bodily injury, they will be charged with felony Menacing.  For example, brandishing a toy gun at another person would likely result in felony Menacing charges.  It doesn’t matter if you didn’t actually intend to hurt the other person, nor does it matter that the gun wasn’t real.  What matters is that you:

  • Acted knowingly, and
  • Made another person fear that they would be imminently and seriously hurt.

Weld County Jail / Colorado DOC Time for Menacing in Ault and Firestone

Depending on whether you are convicted of misdemeanor or felony Menacing in Ault or Firestone, this offense can result in time at the Weld County Jail or Colorado DOC and other penalties.  See the following table for potential penalties that could result from conviction:




Menacing where the defendant did not use a deadly weapon Class 1 misdemeanor / M1
  • Up to 364 days at the Weld County Jail
  • Fine of up to $1,000
Menacing where the defendant used a real or fake firearm, bludgeon, or knife Class 5 felony / F5
  • 1 – 3 years in the Colorado DOC
  • Fine of $1,000 – $100,000
  • Mandatory parole of 2 years after release from prison
  • Firearm and ammunition relinquishment

These kinds of penalties speak for themselves.  A Menacing conviction – whether charged as a misdemeanor or felony – will jeopardize your future and your reputation.  The good news is that the best Greeley criminal defense lawyer can help you protect both by representing you at the Weld County Court.  Don’t wait – call our top Weld County criminal defense lawyers today to discuss your case and retain the representation you need.

If you’ve been charged with Menacing, remember to be smart, and exercise your right to stay silent.  Then call 970-616-6009 to discuss your case with a top criminal defense lawyer with over 30 years of experience from the O’Malley Law Office today.  Together, we can protect your future.

The location for the Weld County Court is 901 9th Avenue, Greeley, Colorado. We’ll see you there!

Photo by Lum3n